Friday 22 February 2013

LPP vs TTPC: Press Conference

Lumut Power Plant, 22nd February 2013: The second leg of this friendly game series will take place at LPP All stars homeground, Stadium Astaka Sitiawan. compared to the last internal game between operation and maintenance, this time, the number of people who are expected to turn up for the game is bigger.

Press conference took place in the afternoon after friday prayer. The TTPC team, lead by their Director / Plant Manager who was also present at site, was greeted by his LPP counterpart, En Abdul Rahman Hussin.
The visiting team expressed their gratitude over the warm welcome by LPP. However, in the press conference, they mentioned that there would be no tolerance and their team will be all out on the pitch to repeat the similar score.

Asking over the decision to relased Wan CR to KLHQ next month, LPP manager explained to the press that the decision was not been made by the football club. "The request was from the player. It was not from us. As a manager, i want to assure the fans who have been supporting us all this while that - there is no player here who is bigger than the club."

 Wan CR was previously rumored to depart for another club. Few clubs are linked to lure him, led by TSG-HQ and Ventures. Reports say he is unsettled with the life and the ongoing extreme weather at GB3.

The press conference ended with handshakes and both team dismissed from the club house.

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