Saturday 15 March 2014

Roshairi Allawee Ramli Masih lagi Penjaga Gawang No 1???

16 March 2014, Segari - Penjaga gol LPP, Roshairi Allawee tidak nampak alasan mengapa dia tidak layak untuk kekal selaku penjaga gol nombor satu kelabnya, di sebalik aksi kurang meyakinkan ketika menentang Janamjg baru-baru ini. Sharbinee bolos 4 gol dalam dua perlawanan menentang pasukan-pasukan lawan di ranking rendah, selepas mengambil alih tempat utama penjaga gawangnya sejak perlawanan pembukaan musim ini.

“Saya dah buat yang terbaik, KEYAKINAN saya mula bertambah, ye lah lama tak main first eleven, so diberi peluang confident tu datang balik, terima kasih di atas kepercayaan coach Rajagopal, bolos memang bolos tapi saya sentiasa cuba perbaiki diri saya untuk jadi lebih baik, dan saya mahu buktikan saya adalah yang terbaik, no.1 , insyaAllah saya sudah bersedia untuk diturunkan bila-bila masa, yang penting main tanpa tekanan..”. – Roshairi Allawee Ramli.

LPP vs Janamanjung

12 March 2014, Manjung: LPP fell to Janamanjung with a shock defeat of 4-0. The game started as scheduled with a newly built MPM Stadium of Manjung. The coach started the game with almost a different squad with newly signed youngsters; all made it into the first 11. However, These bright players were unable to overcome the expectations over them. As early as the 3rd minutes, Janamanjung broke from the right and scored with a confident well placed sidefooted placing into LPP goals.

The coach quickly made one change, bringing in B. Sukriebalan out and put in Shuib Sibijak in the midfield. LPP then looked to have controlled the game until the second half started. LPP made 6 changes to the squad to begin the second half. The changes had turned back to them as the team loss the shape especially in the centre of the field. Janamanjung sensed the opportunity and scored 2 quick goals from a neat move.

At half an hour mark, LPP made another changes, bringing in more
attacking players to steal some goals from the opponents. Turning defensive plan to attack, they then created few chances. Sibijak, who had been poor on the night, had at least 2 clear chances but was unable to convert them to the score. On the last minute, Janamanjung penalized LPP attacking moves with a quick counter attack to bring the scoreline to 4-0 until the final whistle.

 Full Time, 90:00
       LPP 0 - 4 Jnmnjg

Tuesday 25 February 2014

2014 Pre-Season - LPP vs NLDC

7 February, Kuala Lumpur - LPP kicked off the season with a comfortable win against TNB NLDC. It was a very light game used as a light preparation before the new season started.
During the press conference hours before the game, NLDC expressed their warm welcome to their building. both teams also insisted that this game was a pure friendly game to foster the current friendship between the teams. The session endeed with a short tour to the building.

 The match only kicked off in the evening at the club's training ground. LPP first team coach was appointed to lead the charge. he started the game with his young talents mainly from the Juvenille A team. Game started off with high intensity football. LPP made a quick impact scoring 3 goals in 10 minutes period. as the game goes, NLDC catched up with the tempo and slowly got into the game. After half hour mark, the scoreline gone level, suggesting there is still a lot to learn especially in  keeping possession to slow the opponents. the coach opt to make the first substitute, bringing in his midfield maestro  to calm things down. the game changed phase and LPP managed to pull one up. half time, scored 4-3 to LPP.

 The second half was kicked off with a totally different LPP team. The opposition too chose to bring their usual first team into the pitch and the thing was, this would surely ended up as a completely different match now. LPP looked very different when they had the ball in possession. long lay off had taken the toll on the players. That should be not be the matter, at least at this stage, knowing the match was purposely meant to get the players legs together again before they get into the new season.

The coach later swap Shuib Sibijak Alonso  so he could anchor the team from their defensive half, to gain more control. having been doing as exactly asked by the coach, he would then be able distribute the ball to the wide players. the change was proven to be fruitful as LPP scored 2 more goals from a quick move from the wide side. at the last quarter an hour, a series of subtitutions were called again as the coach tried to experiment with different style of play. The main focus is now on Rizal Ghaddar after his long awaited comeback from ankle injury. Just before the final whistle, LPP managed to grab another fine goal from the player who had just been on the pitch in less than 5 minutes. this guy was out to prove that he is still the man for the scoring jobs. Final whistle 7-5.

Thursday 30 May 2013

'Losing the friendlies does not affect the Champions league'

Sitiawan, The head coach calmed the expectation on his team by saying the series of friendly results will not demotivate his team in the coming MSC games. According to him, everyone knows we were trying with the new formulae and the lineup for the tournament. "when you go with friendlies, you will always be experimenting on the new line up. That is the only platform. isnt it? "

LPP started the friendly tour with a 8-1 score, losing to KEV. during the game, LPP were trying with their academy players and their experienced line ups. With the new faces on the post, LPP found out they are in their backfoot in the whole 90 minutes. there seemed to be a huge gap between the reserve, youth and their first team players. "everyone knows that, we have to work harder." said the coach.

moving to the next game against Belia Sg Batu, the organizer had moved
the game early during the day to give ways on general election campaigning talks at night time. this was the first time LPP had been forced to play under the sun heat. "the stadium was so hot and player looked to have been dried out. its a good experience to the team and i am very proud of them" said the coach during the post match conference. LPP which mainly played their academy team was unable to recapture the game. they were defending hard at their half. Sg Batu had exploited this heat to grab 5 goals to none. Asked  on the development of their academy players, the coach responded " These blokes has not been playing a competitive match. It was a good experience for them but i have to admit, losing with that amount of goals is hurting them as well as me".

The last game on the tour series was at least a relief to the head coach. against their bitter derby, Janamanjung, they headed to the MSC2013 tournament with a 3-2 win. More good news are both midfields and attacking area had been able to work together resulting to their best performance in the tour series. "Everyone knows we will be feturing our strongest line-up against our derby rival. the result was massive, in terms of scoresheet as well as the team performance. i hope we could bring the performance into the next tournament." said the head coach.

Full result of  manjung tour friendly series:

27th April 2013,    LPP 1 - 8 Kapar
   1st May 2013,    LPP 0- 5 Belia Sg Batu
   8th May 2013,    LPP 3 - 2 Janamanjung BiriFC

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Rajagopal Ingatkan Anak Buah Sarung Jersey Kuning

Segari, Perak - Sehari sebelum kejohanan Liga Juara-Juara Malakoff bermula, Ketua Jurulatih pasukan LPP-FA telah mengingatkan anak buahnya untuk memakai jersey kuning kebanggan meraka dan pulang ke segari membawa trofi kejohanan.

Ketika ditemubual di sidang akhbar pagi tadi, Rajagopal amat berpuas hati dengan senarai pemain yang dipilih. katanya, skuad kali ini menampilkan adunan muka baru dan muka lama. Turut tersenarai ialah penjaga gawang ke -3, Rasul Pantilimon menggantikan Amin Azram yang direhatkan.
Ketua jurulatih LPP ketika sidang akhbar pagi tadi

Ketika bercakap, Roajagopal amat berpuas hati dengan kemajuan pasukannya dan berharap prestasi baik peledak hadapan utama beliau mampu mengemudi pasukannya ke final. "Rizal Ghaddar tidak bernasib baik dipertengahan musim lalu kerana kecederaan yang dialami. walau bagaimanapun, prestasi beliau di 3 perlawanan akhir sedikit melegakan saya. saya yakin beliau mampu membuktikan yang beliau masih berbisa ketika ini".

Ditanya akan kehadiran penonton mampu melonjakkan LPP, beliau menjawab "sudah semestinya. kesemua pasukan memerlukan penyokong-penyokong mereka, kerana sorakan penyokong boleh melonjakkan semangat dan tempo permainan. Malah, kehadiran penyokong yang juga mampu membantu pasukan dari segi psikologi terutama diawal dan penhujung permainan."

Di akhir sesi sidang akhbar itu, beliau sempat mengambil kesempatan untuk mengajak semua peminta ke stadium untuk menyaksikan perlawanan mereka itu. "Saya ingin menyeru semua peminat kita untuk turun beramai2 ke stadium Ilsas di bangi pada hari esok, jumaat untuk memberikan sokongan moral kepada pasukan kita. ""

Monday 15 April 2013

Next Fixtures: Kapar Power Station (H), Belia Sg Batu (H)

LPP vs Kapar Power Station
Date: 27th April 2013
Time: 08.45PM
Venue: Stadium Astaka

LPP vs Belia Sg Batu
Date: 1st May 2013
Time: 5 pm (TBC)
Venue: Stadium MPM manjung

The FA has come out with new friendly games schedule for MSC chamipons league 2013 tournament. Both games to be played at home.

Meanwhile, the manager has yet to finalize the squad for the tournament. in recent post match conference, he wanted everyone in the club to be given a chance; however he urged all players to focus on the forthcoming friendlies. "We need to focus on the games ahead. The friendlies are good platforms to prepare for the team". Rumours has spread out that Aman Gustavo will be single out from the squad. asked on the decision, he replied "I dont exclude anybody just yet. He has his own issues.  I don't want him to think about his new girlfriend all the time; at least, not when you are on the pitch. You need to focus on your job and give your all-out. not just from him,I expect this from everyone else too."

The club sporting director has determine to bring in one or two players during May transfer window.
According to Johor press, LPP is sniffing on Khairil Anuar Baharom, who is a product from their academy. the clubs are still negotiating on the contract. If the deal can be finalized by this week, he is set to be prevailed on 1st of  May during the 2nd friendly against Belia Sg Batu.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Sharbinee bersih dan boleh beraksi di Malakoff Sport Carnival - SPRM

Segari, Perak - Tanda tanya mengenai nasib Roshairi Sharbinee Allawee yang dipanggil Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menjalani ujian poligraf akhirnya terungkai apabila penjaga gol itu dibebaskan daripada tuduhan menjual perlawanan.  Pengarah SPRM negeri, Md. Yusoff Md. Zin ketika mengesahkan perkara itu berkata, hasil siasatan mendapati tiada sebarang bukti atau dokumen yang menunjukkan wujud unsur rasuah dalam perlawanan menentang TTPC, baru-baru ini.
Roshairi Sharbinee ketika
bertemu TTPC
 Beliau memberitahu, sepanjang siasatan dijalankan, SPRM telah memanggil beberapa orang saksi untuk memberi keterangan bagi membantu siasatan.“Ujian poligraf juga menunjukkan tiada tindak balas signifikan (no significant reactions) yang boleh mengaitkan perlakuan rasuah seperti yang didakwa.

 Sharbinee dituduh menjual perlawanan ketika beraksi dalam perlawanan LPP menentang TTPC di Stadium Astaka Sitiawan di sini, 22 Feb lalu. Aksinya menimbulkan keraguan apabila bola terlepas mudah daripada jangkauan dan menerobos gawang. Roshairi Sharbinee mengakui kesilapannya namun menolak tuduhan ia mempunyai kaitan menjual permainan. sejak itu, sharbinee digantung FAM daripada beraksi melawan KLHQ untuk siasatan lanjut.

keputusan SPRM ini membolehkan sharbinee beraksi untuk malakoff sport carnival yang akan berlansung 31hb May ini. jurulatih pasukan, apabila diminta untuk mengulas, berkata bahawa perlepasan semula ini melegakan semua pihak pengurusan kerana beliau mampu memberi saingan sengit kepada Amin Azram untuk posisi penjaga gawang.